You can for instance increase Vibrance for a more fantasy-like look, or use Desaturate or Sepia to give the game a more eerie feeling. More advanced settings include color curves and tone mapping, which can be used to change the mood of the game. Sharpening can be particularly useful in games with “muddy” textures like the Dishonored or Bioshock series. Other interesting options are HDR which tries to mimic real HDR, and LUMASHARPEN which can be used to sharpen the detail of characters and items. You can turn on FXAA or SMAA Anti-aliasing by typing a boolean value (1 for “on”, 0 for “off”), but make sure to turn Anti-aliasing off in the game visual settings, as SweetFX will replace it. Opening the SweetFX_Settings.txt file will reveal a host of options. You can personalize your games further by creating your own SweetFX profiles, or editing existing ones. After installing the SweetFX preset, and using the in-built SMAA, performance improved to 58 fps average, along with a boost in visual quality. Also Id like to mention that Im using SweetFX 1.5, which is the one thats always worked for me (previous versions dont really work for me, later versions are hit or miss). for me its in G:SquareEnixFINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborngame) Heres a youtube guide that I followed that got it working for me.

With the game settings set to Ultra and TXAA turned on, we averaged 52.3 fps. SweetFX goes into the Game folder for FFXIV. The preset used was “| ULTRA TXAA | NO BLUR” by Sp00ky. By disabling the Anti-aliasing processing in-game and using SweetFX’s SMAA instead, in conjunction with a sharpening filter, we can achieve not only better graphics but also improved performance. Some games that are poorly optimized like Dishonored 2 can greatly benefit from certain SweetFX profiles.